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Heart: Small leier

From ¥ 58,000  (No case, tax not included)

Liar  Aphrodite Harp HEART

22 string bass G  -treble E   Pickup can be installed.


Aphrodite's leier / heart model is a handy type small leier (small leier).

Since it is a handy type leier that can be carried anywhere, you can feel free to enjoy the lyre's tone anytime, anywhere.

It's small but solid, so you can enjoy playing an instrument with peace of mind.

The range is from bass G to treble E, making it a very easy-to-use model for small children and beginners.


Even though they are small leiers, they are all handmade one by one at our workshop in Japan, so they are made very carefully.

Since it is handmade and uses natural wood, the appearance of the delivered instrument may have some individuality depending on the time of completion, but

Please warmly accept it as a beautiful personality.

It is a very popular model, and if there is no inventory in the shopping corner , it will be an order.

In the case of an order, we think that it can be delivered to the customer within 2 to 3 months after the order is placed.


Dimensions: Length about 30 cm x Width about 25 cm x Thickness about 3 cm Weight: About 1 kg

* The lyre produced in our shop is manufactured so that it can be tuned from 432Hz for general ryer to 440hz for pop according to the customer's request.

* Specifications of the product are subject to change without notice. Please note that we would like to hear from our customers and deliver better products.


Click here for product inquiries  / Click here for how to order

The heart is easier to use.

New Heart

It will be a heart model with a design that changes the processing of the back side.

¥ 58,000 (straight bridge model)

¥ 63,000 (curved bridge model)

* The displayed price does not include consumption tax.

・ Frequently asked questions

Q. Is there a difference in sound between a straight bridge and a curved bridge?

A. There is no difference in sound. Prices vary depending on the design and difficulty of production.

↓ This is the sound when using an amplifier. Of course, you can adjust the volume to your liking.

Title: Choral Prelude composed by William Gillock

Coral Prelude sheet music can be found on page 66 of the textbook.

for beginnersLeier lesson course ・ All 4 times (Amazing Grace)


A more detailed sheet music of Amazing Grace can be found on page 33 of the textbook.

(For beginnersLiar lesson course, all 3 times (Jupiter)


*  Click here for product inquiries  / Click here for how to order

Copyright @ Aphrodite Harps, TATEGOTO  All Right Reserve.
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